Monday, September 30, 2013

The Pinterest Challenge for Bloggers

Can you believe tomorrow is the first day of October?

For some reason, I always like to do a challenge during the month of October. Maybe it is because I feel like October is the longest month of the year. For example, last year I challenged myself to a month of organizing our little bitty apartment which led to an organized linen closet, kitchen sink and master bedroom closet. (I apologize in advance for the terrible pictures. What was I thinking?!)
What is the challenge this year? The Pinterest Challenge for Bloggers!

My goal is to reach 500 Pinterest followers by October 31st! I am at 253 at the time of this writing. That means I have to gain 247 followers in 30 days! I know, I know. October has 31 days. However, I like round numbers and who doesn't want an extra cheat day?!

The plan? Search and pin 10 items that appeal to me for 30 days straight. Also, I will pick three fellow pinners each day whose boards interest me to follow for 30 days straight.

Did you catch this post late? No problem. Just start today or tomorrow and go through the challenge for 30 days straight.

Of course, you do not have to be a blogger in order to the Pinterest Challenge! If you simply want to increase your Pinterest audience, you are more than welcome to join us.

That said, I challenge bloggers and non-bloggers alike to join me in this quest for Pinterest followers! A great way to start is linking up your Pinterest profile at the party below.

I'd also love to hear if you are doing the Pinterest Challenge with me and how it's going for you.

I'll even make you a deal! If you link up below and follow me, I'll follow you back and leave ya some love!

Do you have any tips or suggestions for increasing Pinterest Followers?

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